The last few years I've been performing with country singer ASHLEY JORDAN, and I've gotten to participate in some of her music videos too. I've had outrageous amounts of fun playing with Ashley and her band! 

Back in the day I used to play in a rock band in Boston called MISSION HILL. We had all kinds of fun adventures touring here and there and trying to make it. We got to play at the Kiss 108 concert at the Xfinity Center with Ke$ha, Adam Lambert, and others,  and opened up for Bon Jovi at Gillette Stadium. Amazing band!

selected credits - live


Mission Hill  

Ashley Jordan  

Krysta Youngs  

Adam Jensen 

Ryan Aderrey 

Christa Gniadek   

Amy Crawford   

John Thomas   

LeRoy Streat & The Grace Singers 

Per Jørgensen  

Knut Erik Østgaard (Return)  

Åge Sten Nilsen (Wig Wam)  

Frode Alnæs